Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Beginning...

WARNING:  The title of this blog is under inclusive.

While music, movies, marriage and food are a large part of my life, and will be very frequently discussed on this blog, this blog is not solely dedicated to these topics.  I am in my mid-20's, living in Manhattan, New York, and recently married.  My life is complicated, dramatic, interesting, and oftentimes wonderful.

Quite frankly, the idea of a blog has been something I always detested.  Someone, usually writing anonymously, usually about a controversial topic where they voice a very strong and very opinionated stance on an issue, usually politics, usually using profanity, usually on a message board or one of these blogs is not something I admired nor wanted to emulate.  I know this point has been suggested by many others before me, but the internet has turned our world into a world of COWARDS.  In fact, the Dead Weather's latest album entitled "Sea of Cowards" (an awesome album by the way) got this title from this exact notion - people blog, IM, post on discussion boards making inappropriate remarks or unnecessary statements and yet have ZERO accountability for what they say.  Thus, I find myself not only surprised, but baffled by the idea that I have created a blog and have become one of these cowards I so obviously detest.

I apologize to my readers (if I have any) for this short tirade, but I promise there is a point to it.  The point is that I will be dedicating the substance of my blog to subjects that will not stir the emotions of others the wrong way.  Nor will I make remarks that are inappropriate or obnoxious, unless completely necessary ;).

For my first post, I would like to leave my readers with a short music video.  I am sad that the summer is over and more specifically that the beautiful summer weather is leaving us.  New York is slowly becoming colder and with it people seem to be a bit more cranky.  I found a music video for the song "Young Blood" by the band The Naked and Famous.  The video epitomizes teenage youth and, for me, the joy that comes with the summer months.  It is an awesome song, and think most people will enjoy it.

The Naked and Famous - Teenage Dream

Fair well and until tomorrow.


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