Sunday, October 3, 2010

Organizing Your iTunes Library For Dummies

I think I might write a book like this some day.

My iTunes library is officially organized to perfection.  All songs are organized and spelled correctly with the proper punctuation, under the correct artist, under the correct album, under the correct genre, with the correct album artwork. 

It is a marvelous sight and I plan on admiring it for at least an hour tonight.

To ensure that I leave my readers this evening with more than just me patting myself on the back, I would like to suggest an album that is an oldie but a goody that I recently re-discovered:

Kraftwerk - Trans-Europe Express.

And for my upcoming playlist I will be venturing into the work of Can with their album "Ege Bamyasi."  I am excited about listening to this album because Steven Malkmus, the lead singer of Pavement (one of the best bands ever), stated that he listened to this album every night for three years of his life.  So I think it is an understatement for me to say that my hopes are high for this album (hence, it better be awesome).

(That's some freaking weird album artwork.  Hopefully the album will be more interesting then Okra.)

That's all for today.  Nighty Night.


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