Monday, October 11, 2010

Top Five Strangest Things That Happened To Me Since Friday

(In no particular order)

1.  Observed a husband and wife at the doctors office.  The husband received a phone call and proceeded to talk extremely loudly in the waiting room, completely unaware that he was in a public place.  His wife thought it would be a good idea to berate her husband in public, telling him to get off of the "f*cking phone, godd*mnit."  To make matters even more humorous, the husband decided to yell at his wife right back.  This continued for about ten minutes in a jam-packed waiting room.

2.  I was approached by a man in a Che Guevara hat and t-shirt who looked EXACTLY like Fidel Castro asking me if I would like to purchase a book in support of "Jews For Jesus."

3.  Observed citizens from every sovereign state in the world at IKEA in Long Island.  I didn't know whether I was supposed to buy furniture or sit in on United Nations Human Rights conference.

4.  Convinced myself that my apartment wast infested with bedbugs because I woke up with at least 10 bug bites on my arms and shoulders.  However, to my hypochondriac-like embarrassment, after going to the doctor and calling an exterminator, all these bites turned out to be were mosquito bites.  

5.  Realized that there is a man across the courtyard from my building who is a legitimate window-peeper.  Every morning while I am changing this guy looks directly at me, literally eye-contact.  He stands at his window and literally just stares at me until I get creeped-out enough to shut my blinds.  F'in New York City.

And for fans of "Jersey Shore"....

Au revoir,


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